Expat analysis: Outlook on financial markets and future investment ideas
This is Expat Asset Management's analysis of global financial markets in 2023. In it you will find answers to some of the frequently asked questions about expectations, risks and prospects for the global economy and different asset classes in 2023.
The full text of Expat's analysis can be found HERE.
- We believe there is a high probability that the downtrend in the stock is over or will happen in the first half of 2023.
- There are better opportunities in European equities relative to US equities.
- Emerging market equities have high potential, especially those in Asia.
- Small-cap stocks perform better compared to large-cap ones (we avoid the largest technology companies).
- We expect steady price growth in government bonds and investment-grade corporate bonds.
- There are good opportunities in some emerging markets sovereign bonds.
- The dollar is likely to depreciate against other currencies, mainly the euro and Japanese yen.
Stay tuned for our free webinar on "Financial Market Perspectives and Investment Ideas" on March 7, 2023 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm.
Via our online booking system here
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You can provide additional information in your request to help us prepare for the meeting in advance. The meetings can be held both at the Expat office (Sofia, 96A Georgi S. Rakovski Street) and remotely via an online platform, according to your preferences.
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