Expat Saving Strategies
Expat saving strategies are portfolios of financial instruments with a predefined structure and investment focus, as well as a recommended time horizon of the investment, which still offer the flexibility and personal approach of an individual investment account.
Expat Gold Strategy
Expat Gold Strategy is a strategy that provides liquid exposure to gold. Investing in gold through financial instruments allows for dynamic portfolio management with low transaction costs, immediate liquidity and secure storage. Unlike the purchase of physical gold, where the packages (bars, coins) are indivisible, when investing through a financial instrument, the increase or decrease of the exposure happens easily with the purchase / sale of shares on the stock exchange. The assets are stored in electronic securities depositories in the name of the investor, more secure and cheaper compared to the options and costs for storing physical gold.
The investment through regular monthly payments helps to overcome market fluctuations over a long investment horizon. Expat Gold Strategy provides flexibility in determining the amount and frequency of the incoming transfers, and immediate liquidity. The investments under the Expat Gold Strategy are exempt from income tax for Bulgarian individuals and legal entities.